Moving Checklist
6 – 8 Weeks Before Moving Day
- Begin cleaning out items that will not be moving with you. Take unwanted items to charity.
- Start shopping for a mover. Request an on-site estimate in writing. Ensure there are no hidden fees. (Hills Moving provides professional moving services and free packing supplies! Call us today! HILLS MOVING – 647-460-3650)
- Prepare a moving file to keep all your moving related expenses for tax deductions, including mover, travel, lodging, and meals
2 – 4 Weeks Before Moving Day
- Call charities for pick up of unwanted clothing and furniture.
- If packing yourself, purchase cartons and proper packing materials from your mover. (HILLS MOVING provides all your packing supplies for free. Wardrobe boxes are available on your moving day).
- Fill and transfer prescriptions for family and pets. Pack them to travel with you.
- Prepare a floor plan of your new home for placement of furniture and personal belongings.
1 Week Before Moving Day
- Defrost refrigerator and freezer and allow for sufficient dry time to prevent any mildew.
- Clean and disconnect all major appliances.
- Use up or arrange for disposal of perishables.
- Drain gas and oil from lawnmowers and other power equipment. Cars and motorcycles should only have a ¼ tank of gas.
- Drain garden hoses.
- Collect valuables, including safety deposit box, and safely pack to take with you.
- Pack items to be taken with you and label Do Not Move.
- Prepare a list of items you’ll need immediately at the destination, such as a flashlight, light bulbs, toilet paper, cleaning supplies, snacks, and drinks. Be sure to load it last on the truck or take it with you.
- Confirm travel arrangements.
- Finish packing.
- Gather personal records: medical, dental, vet, school.
- Transfer school records in advance to a new school.
- Send change of address notice to Canada Post, Health Card, Driver’s License, Vehicle Registration, Insurance, Banking, Lawyer, Credit Cards, Human Resources Canada, Revenue Canada, Provincial Social Services, Employer, Magazines, Newspapers, Mail Order Accounts, Library, Memberships, Friends/Relatives.
- Make arrangements to disconnect and connect: Hydro, Gas/Oil, Water, Telephone, Cable, Internet Provider, Alarm
- Make arrangements to service: Appliances, Pool, Other: ________________
Moving Day
- Be available to check items on the inventory sheet
- Have payment ready for movers
- Conduct a last-minute walk through with your Hills Moving driver and give any special instructions you may have
- Read all utility meters
- Adjust furnace, turn off lights, close windows and lock doors
- Leave keys at agreed upon location for new occupants
- Advise your Hills Moving driver of your destination contact number and confirm delivery address and date
- Try and be available at your new home to check off items on the inventory sheet as they are removed from the van

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