Tips from Movers: Things to Remember When Moving into a New House

When moving into a new property with the help of movers from Brampton, finding out which companies supply the gas and electricity is probably the last thing on a person’s mind; however, it is one of several important considerations to make so as to save money and safeguard the property.

One of the most important things to remember immediately after moving into a new home, particularly in the winter months, is to locate the main water shut-off point. This is especially important if the property has been empty for some time. Although unlikely, in the event of burst frozen pipes, it pays to know where the shut-off valve is located in the house.

Just Moved In

It’s also worth notifying the gas and electric companies immediately after a move, as this prevents the risk of being charged for any of the energy used by the previous tenant or homeowner. It also opens up the opportunity to explore whether there are more affordable suppliers available, which could likewise save money on household bills.

Another consideration to make is whether to set up a mail forwarding service with Canada Post. This will ensure that any mail sent to the previous address will be redirected to the new address. This doesn’t only guarantee that important mail is received, but it also helps to protect against any risk of a new tenant accessing sensitive personal information.

There are other basic facts about the property that should be explored, for example, locating the thermostat, locating the fusebox, and understanding what day and time refuse is collected. All of these things can help to make the move into a new home feel more comfortable and stress-free.

With all of these important considerations to bear in mind, it makes sense to take the stress out of a move by using the services of a professional moving company that can help to package and relocate goods with their own specialist team. Whether relocating in a larger city in Ontario, or any other city in Ontario for that matter, professional movers in Brampton or nearby areas can make the transition between homes much smoother, whilst protecting all of their client’s belongings.

Moving Home and Sorting Out Your Energy Needs,
How to Move Into a New Home,

Brampton Movers

Hills Moving

154 A Simcoe Street South, Oshawa ON L1H 4G
